“Most people shake your hand, but only a few touch your heart.” - Giovannie de Sadeleer

hands & feet

“Hands are unbearably beautiful. They hold on to things. They let things go.” - Mary Ruefle


Most ladies, if they are completely honest, like to see their hands and nails looking cared for.
The nails don’t need to be long, but manicured hands speak "cleanliness, good grooming and self-nurturing".
In fact, the word “manicure” comes from French meaning “care of the hands” and that is what we offer here in our salon, both manicure and pedicure (care of the feet).
We have different treatments that have more emphasis on the health of the skin of the hands, others on the health of the nails, plus lots of different possibilities for nail colour, decoration and nail art.


One of the most important and essential self-care rituals is to look after your feet!
A pedicure doesn’t just make your toes look pretty (for those gorgeous summer sandals, holidays and BBQ parties!), but it is the cornerstone of good foot and postural health.
Hard skin isn’t just aesthetically unappealing, but it’s the potential for alternation in your walking and movement patterns, leading to joint problems, back pain, circulation issues and a decline in wellness.
Let's face it, it’s really hard to do your own feet properly. Unless you’re a yogi guru, a normal person just can’t get the right angles to give themselves a good (and complete!) pedicure.
Well luckily, we have great professional people who can sort that out for you.
They LOVE your feet (maybe more than you do!), so bring them to us!
We know how good you’re going to feel after!

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” - Mahatma Gandhi


Below is a brief description of what we offer in our line of manicure services:

Natural Nude Nails Manicure - 20€ (30 mins)
Tidy cuticles, file nails, no polish

Traditional Manicure - 25€ (30 mins)
Tidy cuticles, file nails, apply traditional nail polish

Long-lasting Gel BIAB Manicure - 40€ (60 mins)
Tidy cuticles, file nails, apply gel BIAB (Builder-in-a-Bottle) nail polish

Polygel Nail Extensions Manicure (new set) - 60€ (90 mins)

Polygel Nail Extensions Manicure (infills) - 57€ (90 mins)

Remove acrylic or gel nails - 35€ (45 mins)
Remove old acrylic/gel, tidy cuticles, file nails, nail polish is possible

Broken Nail Repair (1 nail) Gel/Extensions - 5€ (10 mins)


"i do" bridal manicure

On your wedding day, you will probably be more photographed than on any other day of your life!
Your hands will be on “centre stage” with your wonderful "ring-on-finger moment" being captured in your wedding photo albums for all eternity.
Your “I do” bridal manicure is pretty important really then, isn't it? :D
We recommend you enjoy this lovely, pampering manicure with nourishing mask, massage and bridal nail styling, before your big day.


A pedicure is definitely a "must" for good body care. Why? Because our feet are the base of our entire skeleton. So, just slightly important then!

Here are our main pedicure services:

Natural Nude Nail Pedicure (both Men & Women) - 40€ (60 mins)
Includes soaking feet, hard skin removal, tidy cuticle, nail cutting & shaping creaming the feet, massage, hydrating cuticle with oil.

Traditional Pedicure with Normal Nail Polish - 42€ (60 mins)
Includes soaking feet, hard skin removal, tidy cuticle, nail cutting & shaping, foot cream, hydrating cuticle with oil, traditional nail polish (no decoration).

Pedicure with Long-Lasting Gel Polish - 47€ (60-75 mins)
Includes soaking feet, hard skin removal, tidy cuticle, nail cutting & shaping, foot cream the feet, massage, hydrating cuticle with oil, long-lasting gel polish (similar to Shellac).
French style & simple decoration available.

Pedi Express with Normal Nail Polish - 20€ (30 mins)
Includes tidying cuticles, nail cutting & shaping, hydrating cuticle with oil, traditional nail polish (no decoration).

Pedi Express with Long-Lasting Gel Polish - from 25€ (30-45 mins)
Includes tidying cuticles, nail cutting & shaping, hydrating cuticle with oil, painting with long-lasting polish (similar to Shellac).
French style & simple decoration available.

french for feet, why not?

Get this classic and healthy look for feet. Nude and naturally nice!

pretty toes

Is it that time of year to get your toes out? Then celebrate with a lovely pedicure and some beautiful colour!
The great thing about having pretty toes is that they go everywhere with you and you get admire them all the time!! :D
It's perfectly cool to love your toes, you know?!
10 more really good reasons to feel great!

For us, beauty is not health. Health is beauty…

— Salon Margaretha’s